What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine is a form of alternative medicine that is based on the essentials of Chinese medicine, modern western concepts and highly advanced medical and scientific research. Practitioners of Functional medicine study and explore the effects of environment agents, lifestyle choices, dietary habits and physical factors on the gastrointestinal, immune and, cardiovascular systems of the body in order to prevent and treat health issues.

The functional medicine practitioner spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and learning his or her past stories along with their present health challenges. This is a patient- centered care approach, the patient is the star of the show and the practitioner is like a detective gathering all the vital information during this discovery process. After careful evaluation the practitioner of functional medicine is able to tailor treatments that addresses the individual unique needs.

How is Functional Medicine different from conventional medicine?

The functional medicine practice begins with a conversation with a patient about lifestyle, environmental, and genetic factors.The conventional/medicine practice begins with diagnosing a patient followed by drug or surgery treatment.

-Functional medicine aims at identifying the factors that can contribute to a health issue; instead of conventional medicine that primarily deals with treating the symptoms (or masking the effects of underlying disease process)

-Functional medicine utilizes the fundamental approaches in the identification and screening of risk factors that may lead to diseases (long before the symptoms of illness become evident). People who adopt functional medicine tends to live a longer, healthier and happier life.

-Due to in-depth and system-oriented approach, both practitioner and patient enjoys a more healthy and positive therapeutic partnership as opposed to conventional medicine. The practitioners tend to spend time with their patients, paying attention to their case histories and discussing the factors that can influence pathogenesis of complex and chronic diseases.


  1. IGG blood test aim at identifying sensitivities and food allergies that may be disturbing digestion and opening the door to diseases.
  2. Saliva Hormone testing measures the levels of progesterone, testosterone, and estradiol and aims to look for disproportions in sleep, mood, and cravings.
  3. Urine Toxic-Metals test are screened for mercury, lead, cadmium, and other metals.
  4. Digestive Stool Analysis is used to pinpoint disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome. It also detects parasites and toxins linked with diarrhea.

A new path to a healthy lifestyle

Rather than the standard drug prescriptions which can be dangerous, you’ll be given lifestyle changes and nutritional supplements. Why follow outdated practices when the functional medicine approach is an innovative road-map towards a healthy new life.


Functional Medicine Concepts
10645 Riverside Dr
North Hollywood, CA 91602

tel: (818)505-9511 

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